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More women than men could lose their jobs to automation

According to a report released by the World Economic Forum, women may stand to lose the majority of jobs due to automation.

The report entitled “Toward a Reskilling Revolution: A Future of Jobs for All,” looks at the US Bureau of Labor Statistics projection claims that by 2026, 1.4 million jobs nationwide will be either be automated or disrupted by automation in some manner. And of those 1.4 million jobs – 57 percent will belong to women.

“This is a worrying development at a time when the workplace gender gap is already widening and when women are under-represented in the areas of the labour market expected to grow most robustly in the coming years,” said the report.

“As the types of skills needed in the labour market change rapidly, individual workers will have to engage in life-long learning if they are to achieve fulfilling and rewarding careers. For companies, reskilling and upskilling strategies will be critical if they are to find the talent they need and to contribute to socially responsible approaches to the future of work. For policy-makers, reskilling and retraining the existing workforce are essential levers to fuel future economic growth, enhance societal resilience in the face of technological change and pave the way for future-ready education systems for the next generation of workers.” the document said.

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