Microsoft Corporation has released a security advisory for PC users. The Term ‘Freak’ stands for (Factoring Attack on RSA-EXPORT Keys). Mobile devices and Mac computers, due to weak encryption technology, are vulnerable to cyber attacks. According to Microsoft tech center:
“Microsoft is aware of a security feature bypass vulnerability in Secure Channel (Schannel) that affects all supported releases of Microsoft Windows. Our investigation has verified that the vulnerability could allow an attacker to force the downgrading of the cipher suites used in an SSL/TLS connection on a Windows client system.”
Hackers could spy on your computer, steal data and infect it with malicious software if not be given attention. Microsoft advised to apply Workaround that “refer to a setting or configuration change that does not correct the underlying issue but would help block known attack vectors before a security update is available” or visit for more information to prevent these kinds of attack as millions of users are at risk.