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Just For Fun

9GAG lets you create your fun collection effortlessly. It’s the best place where fun creators and bored people meet. Unlike ordinary fun sites which are full of disturbing ads, 9GAG aims at spreading happiness to the world in an elegant way. Put simply, the website is a compilation of mildly humourous images put together to link both old and contemporary puns and/or jokes.

9GAG is a site to post, view, and collect funny images and videos. Users can subscribe to others “Fun” so that they can see it on a customized homepage.

Each post is referred to as a “Fun”. Funs may be videos, drawings, modified images, or videos. Once registered, the user is sent to their homepage with recent “Fun” postings. Any post may be shared, commented on, or liked with one click. By clicking a plus sign, users can save a “Fun” to their collection. Profile allows avatar upload, color choices, addition of bio, link to website and more.

“Fun” can be posted in either image or video form. Profiles are simple and allow sharing collections with friends. In the toolbar, users can choose Fun, People, or +Post. Fun leads to a page where posts from people you “admire” will appear. It also has links to Hot, New, and Top posts.

Nine rules are clearly stated on the website: 1. -9GAG is just for fun. 2. – 9GAG is JUST for fun. 3. – Get involved. 4. – If you’re funny, you get likes. 5. – Play nice. 6. – Respect originality and creativity. 7. – Moderate your content. 8. – No repost. 9. -Report abuse.

Overall, the site is fun, easy, and intuitive. Sharing funny images has never been this easy – anyone can do it!

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