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42 percent of teens say parents share too much about them online

Teenagers in 25 countries say that their parents share too much about them on social media that it has become a concern for more than four in 10.

According to a study by Microsoft, 42 percent of teenagers in 25 countries say they have a problem with their parents posting about them on social media.

Among the 42 percent, 11% say it’s a big problem; 14% say it’s of medium concern, and 17% consider it a small issue. Additionally, two-thirds (66%) of teens say they have fallen victim to at least one online risk at some point, with the same percentage worried that a similar negative online experience will happen to them again.

The researchers stated: “While our research didn’t explore any direct correlation between parents’ online behaviors and young people’s potential risk exposure, both academic researchers and financial experts have warned that such sharing puts children’s online privacy and potentially their physical safety at risk.”

“’Share with care’ should be everyone’s mantra both online and off,” they added.

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